New Patient Forms -
We welcome new patients and we are committed to making your care a positive and comfortable experience. We are dedicated to helping our patients maintain a healthy mouth and smile through routine checkups, personalized care, and patient education. Oral health contributes to the health of your entire body. At Kingston Dental Arts, we are here to help you achieve a healthy mouth and pave the way for a healthier life.
When you contact our office to schedule your initial visit, your requests and concerns regarding your care will be heard and accommodated. You will have the option of receiving your new patient forms by mail, digitally, or download and print new patient forms.
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Your initial appointment will include:
- A thorough review of your medical and dental history
- A comprehensive dental examination which may include x-rays, photos, and diagnostic models, depending on your case
- Time for you to communicate your concerns, expectations and desired treatment outcomes, and ask any questions about your care
Together, we will create a dental plan based on your unique, individual needs and desires. We look forward to meeting you!
For more information on your initial visit or to request an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (603) 642-3276!